wow. it’s been months since i’ve updated my blog. today’s theme is art… umm other great artist’s art not my own… but as the late and great Chris Farley would say – I’m working on It.

We live fairly close to the Florida coast and we managed to survive hurricane Michael but I can’t say the same about many of our trees.  I can still hear their moans and cries since the storm – tree carnage in all directions.   In memory of the trees here is some nice Groot art from the Yard Sale Artist



This artist is in Alabama and lives within 50 miles of me.  He has quite a few great ideas as related to reclaimed/recycled art…



Now for a guy across the pond…  His art style is teh awesome.




And lastly but not leastly, some Van Gough stuffs…

Geeky Vincent van Gogh Paintings

Geeky Vincent van Gogh Paintings

Geeky Vincent van Gogh Paintings